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Lineolated Parrots

Lineolated parrots are small, round, heavy-bodied parrots, originating from Southern Mexico to the Northwest countries of South America. Their natural color is vibrant green, with black stripe-like markings running horizontally along the back and the wings. With increasing popularity though, many other color morphs are now available like: lutino, grey, cobalt, and some that are have minimal pattern. Males and females are visually very similar. They have an average lifespan of about 12 years.

While similar in size to lovebirds, “linnies” have very different proportions and physical traits- most notably their distinctive pointed tail. They are popular due to their generally calm, quiet, and friendly dispositions, but can make louder ‘beeping’ noises when calling or startled. Some males have been know to talk if taught young and with repetition.

There are many particular quirks which make lineolateds entertaining, such as their bathing habits. They usually prefer a spray bottle on a mist setting, and will hang upside-down with their wings fanned out. Although not as destructive as other birds, many enjoy tents for playing and sleeping in.