Eggfood is available for many small birds, and is normally relished by finches, canaries, budgies, grass parakeets, and cockatiels. While it can be given to larger parrots, the crumb size is fairly small and they may not be interested in it.
Many brands and varieties to available to choose from. Most eggfoods are general for all birds, but some have been developed with softbills and insectivores in mind, or with color additives for red factor canaries. They usually contain a wide-range of vitamins and minerals, and are a good source of protein. Eggfood is a good addition to round out a seed-based diet.
Eggfood can be offered sprinkled over seeds, but it may settle to the bottom. If offered in a separate dish, it can be fed dry or moistened with water for a crumbly texture. If you do wet it, just remember to remove it after a few hours because it can spoil.