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Double Yellow-headed Amazons

Double Yellow Heads, also known as Yellow-headed amazons, are one of the most popular amazons in aviculture. They are known for their brilliant yellow head feathers, vivid green body, and red and yellow shoulder patches. These parrots are indigenous to Mexico and Northern Central America, and are currently classified as endangered due to their illegal capture and habitat loss.

Much of their popularity is due to their talented vocal abilities. Not only are they very raucous talkers, but many can be taught to sing quite well- particularly opera-like melodies. It is common for them to obtain a large vocabulary as these amazons can live upwards of 40 years. This is a conservative number, and can be greater with proper nutrition and exercise. These large, stocky amazons can be prone to being overweight, so be sure to save those peanuts for a special treat! Like most parrots, fresh vegetables and pellets are recommend as part of a varied diet.

Like other species of amazons, Double Yellow Heads may prefer just one or two people. Socialization is very important to help prevent aggressive tendencies towards strangers or other members of the household. This primarily occurs seasonally during breeding months when there’s an increase of hormones.

Double Yellow Heads can liven up any room with their color and boisterous personalities. Just like people, they have a wide range of individual traits and quirks: some that love their head scratched, others that enjoy frequent bathing, and some that are independent and spend all day climbing and swinging from toys. A generous sized cage is important to allow them room for these activities and exercise to help them stay in shape.