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Pomegranates, like the pumpkins, are another seasonal item that can be a great foraging treat.

Pomegranates are a beautiful fruit, but a little complex. Covered by a leathery exterior, inside are clusters of ruby red gems that each contain a little white seed. These are contained in a spongy pith material that surrounds the groups like a membrane. Pomegranates contain vitamin C, B5, potassium, and the hidden little seeds contain the fiber and oils.

Word of caution: This is a MESSY food item, and the juice will stain clothes, fabrics, hard surfaces, etc.

For large birds, the pomegranate can be washed and cut in half or into smaller chunks. They can be fed in a bowl or on a skewer and the bird will enjoy picking out the individual seeds.

If you want to remove the seeds, the recommended way to disassemble this fruit is to cut it lengthwise, top to bottom, in half. Have a bowl of cold water in the sink, and work out the seeds under water to keep the juice from squirting out, plus, the seeds will sink and separate from the white pith that will float to the top. Strain and rinse the seeds and they are ready to eat.