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Fireplace Safety

As the weather beings to cool off and we’ve adjusted the clocks back for daylight savings time, many people will start using heaters, fireplaces, and other means to keep warm and snug through winter.

Open fireplaces and electric fireplaces can be dangerous to birds in the home. For their safety as well as your own, it is important to invest in a carbon monoxide detector and make sure smoke detectors are in proper working order. The smoke from fires can be fatal as well, and it is best to have birds housed in a separate area of the home.

Candle decorations are also popular this time of year and can pose just as much of a health risk. Although some leave minimal smoke, the scents and oils can also be irritating to a bird’s respiratory system.

If using a space heater, always place it where a bird can not accidentally fly or climb on it. Some electric space heaters may also be coated with the non-stick PTFE that can release fumes when overheated. As a safer alternative, many bird owners suggest using the oil filled heaters.