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Thanksgiving Leftovers Guide

Thanksgiving is just on the horizon. With potlucks and food aplenty, there are bound to be leftovers. Sometimes there are just too many leftovers; or sometimes you can only be creative with turkey so many days in a row. Here is a quick do and don’t guide for leftovers you just can’t finish off!

Turkey- Yes. Turkey can be a good source of protein- skin removed is best. Many birds enjoy eating the marrow from the bones as well.

Cranberry Sauce- Okay. Limit to a very small amount as it is very high in sugar. If you can offer fresh cranberries, that is best.
Stuffing- Avoid. Stuffing can be overly seasoned and contain too much salt.

Ham- Avoid. Ham is a cured meat and can be very salty. A bite at most is all your feathered friend would need.

Corn- Yes. Many birds love corn on or off of the cob.

Peas- Yes. Peas are a fun food for birds and also contain fiber and vitamins.

Pumpkin Pie- Yes, in small amounts. A sweet treat is okay here and there, and this will be a fun unique flavor. A few bits of crust is okay as well.

Other Pies- Depends. Fruit pies are okay as long as they do not contain rhubarb (Sometimes rhubarb is mixed with strawberry or apple pies.) Do not feed any pies containing chocolate.


Mashed Potatoes- Yes, but hold the gravy.

Sweet Potatoes- Yes, Cooked. They are very nutritious. If they are prepared with butter and sugars or marshmallows, try to scoop into the plain inside.

Macaroni & Cheese- Okay. Limit to a small portion. Birds cannot digest dairy products well, so more macaroni and light on the cheese.

Macaroni or Potato Salad- Avoid. These side dishes are generally mayonnaise-based. Not only will they spoil quickly unrefrigerated, mayonnaise and other egg-based products can sour in the crop.

Green Bean Casserole- Avoid. While plain green beans are just fine, many casseroles are made with cream of mushroom soup. Mushrooms should not be fed to parrots.

Cooked Greens- Depends. Plain, or lightly seasoned is best. Most greens are cooked with onion, garlic, and/or bacon and fatty meats making them best to avoid.

Rolls/Bread- Yes, without butter. The healthier the bread the better.

Many of these foods will contain butter, sugar, salt, fat, etc., but that does not mean they are completely lacking nutritionally. Just like any foods for humans or parrots, the key is moderation. Keep in mind, a serving for a person can be equivalent to just a teaspoon or tablespoon to a bird!

As with any leftovers, make sure they have not been sitting out for many hours, and that they have been sealed properly and have not spoiled. If you wouldn’t eat it, your bird shouldn’t either.